School of Geography. University of Leeds, UK       

Contact: s.gonzalez[at]

Sara González is Lecturer in Critical Human Geography at the University of Leeds, School of Geography. Doctor in Sociology and Political Science from the University of the Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain) with the thesis “The politics of scale in Bilbao. The socio-political construction of a metropolitan área” (2003). She has held research posts at the Universities of Newcastle (UK) and Milano Bicocca. She is interested in how our cities are becoming spaces for the expansion of neoliberalism and how ideas and policies of neoliberal urbanism emerge, travel and mutate at different spatial scales. Increasingly she is also focusing on resistance to these processes by social movements and community groups. Currently she is involved in action-research looking at campaigning and resistance against the gentrification of traditional retail Markets in the UK thanks to an Antipode scholar-activist award.
See updates of this research here. 

Latest publications

2014 [- with Stuart Hodkinson]
Gentrificación como política pública en una ciudad provincial. El caso de la ciudad de Leeds en el Reino Unido, Revista de geografía Norte Grande. Link. PDF

2013 [– with Stijn Oosterlynck]
‘Don’t Waste a Crisis’: Opening up the City Yet Again for Neoliberal Experimentation, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 37, pp.1075-1082. doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.12064. Link. PDF

2013 [– with Paul Waley]
Traditional Retail Markets: The New Gentrification Frontier? Antipode. Early view doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8330.2012.01040 . Link. PDF

Bilbao and Barcelona ‘in motion’. How urban regeneration ‘models’ travel and mutate in the global flows of policy tourism, Urban Studies, 48, pp.1397-1418. doi: 10.1177/0042098010374510. Link. PDF

2010 [– with Frank Moulaert, Flavia Martinelli F and Eric Swyngedouw (Ed)]
Can Neighbourhoods Save the City?,London: Routledge. Link. PDF