Final two days of Contested Cities Leeds week of talks: Global Urban Justice; voices and struggles from Latin America.
Contested Cities Leeds week of talks concluded with seminars and two successful public debates on Retail gentrification in Santiago Chile by Neil Turnbull and Accumulation by dispossession in cities: UK, China, Argentina with Débora Swistun, Stuart Hodkinson and Paul Waley. Both of these public debates are available to watch again, with links below. […]
Bookchin: living legacy of an American revolutionary
An interview with Debbie Bookchin on her father’s contributions to revolutionary theory and the adoption of his ideas by the Kurdish liberation movement. by Federico Venturini, a member of Leeds Contested Cities group ::::::::::::::::::::::: Federico Venturini: Verso Books has just published The Next Revolution: Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy, a collection of […]
Global Urban Justice; voices and struggles from Latin America. 16th-19th February public talks
Contested Cities Leeds is hosting a week of debates on urban struggles, displacement, mobility and movements from across the globe, with a particular focus on Latin America. These are all open to the public and will be held at 5pm in the Geography East Building Lecture Theater Contested Citizenship in Latin American Cities? Monday […]
New Trailer MARAKÁ’NÀ: struggles in Rio De Janeiro surrounding the Maracanã stadium
The Grupo Popular Pesquisa em Ação (People’s Group Research in Action) is very happy to inform that the promo of the video MARAKÁ’NÀ is available online at: The area of the Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro is not only a space for leisure, but for many, is a space of struggle. In this documentary, […]
Experiences of urban contestation; Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro
On the 19th of February Leeds school of geography hosted the talk “experiences of urban contestation”, benefiting from the presence of Pablo Vitale, a visiting researcher from Buenos Aires and Federico Venturini a researcher from Leeds recently arrived from Rio de Janeiro. The two researchers addressed different aspects of neoliberal urbanization in Latin America, although […]
State repression and social movements: the case of Abahlali and recent Brazilian uprisings
‘State repression and the Right to the City in South Africa: the story of the shack-dwellers movement of South Africa’ S’bu Zikode and ‘Brazilian uprising: Police violence diffusion and the update of the internal enemy’ Matheus Grandi S’bu Zikode, founder of the ‘shack-dwellers’ movement Abahlali baseMjondolo in South Africa Matheus Grandi, Visiting Researcher in Leeds, Contested Cities Brazil […]