School of Geography, University of Leeds, UK

Contact: s.n.hodkinson[at]

Stuart Hodkinson is Lecturer in Critical Urban Geography at the University of Leeds. He holds a doctorate in International Political Economy from the University of Leeds (2004), his thesis entitled ‘Is there a new labour internationalism? The ICFTU and the Campaign for Core Labour Standards in the WTO’. His main research focus is on the ‘new urban enclosures’ with a specific interest in the politics, policies and everyday lived experiences and contestations of housing privatisation, urban dispossession and state-led gentrification. He is currently leading a 30 month (2011-2014) ESRC-funded study of residents’ lived experiences of public housing regeneration under the controversial UK model of public-private partnership – the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) ( He has also recently worked as part of a research team investigating the forced labour experiences of asylum seekers and refugees living in England (

Latest publications

2013 [– with Robbins G]
The return of class war conservatism? Housing under the UK Coalition GovernmentCritical Social Policy33, pp.57-77. doi: 10.1177/0261018312457871. Link. PDF

2013 [– with Watt P; Mooney G]
Introduction: Neoliberal housing policy – time for a critical re-appraisalCritical Social Policy33, pp.3-16. doi: 10.1177/0261018312457862. Link. PDF

The new urban enclosures, City16, pp.500-518. doi: 10.1080/13604813.2012.709403. Link. PDF

The Return of the Housing Question, Ephemera, 12, pp.423-444. Link. PDF

Housing Regeneration and the Private Finance Initiative in England: Unstitching the Neoliberal Urban StraitjacketAntipode43, pp.358-383. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8330.2010.00819.x Link. PDF