All roundtables will be occur in the Aula Magna of Facultad de Derecho, UAM.

Monday 4thJuly, 18.00-19.30



A radical deconstruction of the ONU-HABITAT III process: elaborating a new alternative urban agenda.

Urban social movements and academics will discuss and deconstruct the urban policies planned and pushed by the ONU- Habitat III agenda, with a basic scope to reconstruct the new urban alternative agenda and put forward a new bottom up alternative agenda.

Tuesday 5thJuly, 18.00-19.30



Urban mobilities: debates over social inequality and the political agenda in contested cities

Mobility inequality is an intrinsic characteristic of contested cities, reflecting the social, gender, age and ethnic inequalities. Such inequalities actually reflect the current rationale in transport planning, thus the norms of production of the city. Discussion will mainly emphasise on issues related to mobility, inequalities and contestation.

Wednesday 6th July, 18.00-19.30  



Looking at the city. Critical dialogues and reflections over the visual reproduction of the urban question
Even more frequently and intensively urban collectives and activist groups engage and application of audiovisual material to spread their views and ideas, to share and achieve better recognition of their social and political identities, to consolidate support from the rest of the society and unite struggles. We organise this roundtable in order to reflect and discuss on the old and new strategies of approaching the urban question, the neoliberal transformations of the city that produce the "invisibles" and exclude the majority of the city. We want to enhance the dialogues over the various and distinct views of the social collectives, the grassroots and academic approaches on the actual visual and urban question.

Thursday 7th July, 16.30-19.00



The new municipalism (local government) debate: urban critical reflections on new policies and the city model.

The 24th May 2015 Spanish local elections created a new momentum in local governance, as in some cities, local governments emerged out of social movements. This roundtable aims to stimulate discussions on the urban policies implemented by the new local governments and the conditions of "new municipalism".