Contested Cities / FILM FESTIVAL / Call for Submissions

The Contested Cities network is an international alliance of critical urban researchers and activists spanning six cities in Europe and Latin America – Leeds, Madrid, Rio, Buenos Aires, Santiago and Mexico City. This September 2nd, in collaboration with the Leeds Social and Environmental Justice Action Network, the Contested Cities network is hosting a film festival, to be held at Wharf Chambers in Leeds.This festival builds on our previous photography competition and exhibition held last year, and is part of a larger examination of the use of audio-visual methods in the study of urban contestation. The film event will be open to the general public, and we will be publicizing it throughout the Leeds activism and arts communities.
To this end, we seek interesting, provocative and critical films and videos which explore some aspect of urban contestation, social and environmental justice in cities, urban politics or the politics of everyday life in cities, towns and regions throughout the world. We are interested in everything from professional quality feature films to student-produced shorts, from traditional documentary-style to experimental video and photo montages.
Interested participants should contact Alex Schafran (Schafran at with expressions of interest, links to online versions of proposed films, or for more information. Unfortunately, funding is not available to pay for participants to travel to the festival.
Deadline for submission: August 1st, 2014
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Contested Cities / FILM FESTIVAL / Call for Submissions | PolisLombardia
18 July, 2014[…] The Contested Cities network is an international alliance of critical urban researchers and activists spanning six cities in Europe and Latin America – Leeds, Madrid, Rio, Buenos Aires, Santiago and Mexico City. This September 2nd, in collaboration with the Leeds Social and Environmental Justice Action Network, the Contested Cities network is hosting a film festival, to be held at Wharf Chambers in Leeds.This festival builds on our previous photography competition and exhibition held last year, and is part of a larger examination of the use of audio-visual methods in the study of urban contestation. The film event will be open to the general public, and we will be publicizing it throughout the Leeds activism and arts communities. […]