Perspectives in the study of gentrification in Mexico and Latin America
This book brings together the scientific work undertaken by many academics who share similar epistemological standpoints, in cities of Latin America: Buenos Aires, Bogotá, Cartagena de Indias, City of Mexico, Iquique, Lima, Queretaro, Rio de Janeiro and Santiago de Chile. In every chapter, different methodologies, research scales and academic interests analyse the way capital returns and reinvents space, and on the way neoliberal public policies reinvent historic city centres and selected rural areas. The term gentrification is critically used as a conceptual and methodological tool to identify the class character of urban neoliberalism and the social exclusions it produces.
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Victor Delgadillo is a professor and researcher of UACM – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, PhD in Urbanism.
Luis Alberto Salinas Arreortua is a professor and resarcher of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, PhD in Geography